Graduate courses: Organic Spectroscopy (Fall 2012), Separations and Chromatography (Fall 2012), Analytical Measurement: Chemometrics (Fall 2013), Advanced Analytical Chemistry: Surface Analysis (Fall 2013), Topics in Chemistry: Introduction to Biospectroscopy (Spring 2014), Writing Class (Spring 2014), and Bioanalytical Techniques (Spring 2015).
B.S. in Chemistry
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Graduated: April 2011
Minor in Mathematics
Research Experience
University of Missouri-Columbia
Research focused on the use of spectroscopic techniques to study protein structure, folding, and dynamics. Using deep-UV resonance Raman, the polypeptide backbone amide is excited and structurally sensitive amide modes in the spectra can be analyzed to study protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions
Beam Engineering for Advanced Materials
Winter Park, FL
June 2011- August 2012
Researched, synthesized, and characterized organic compounds and materials, primarily liquid crystals, reactive mesogens and chiral dopants, for use with advanced optical technologies and research
Extensively trained on Agilent Technologies 7890A GC System, Agilent Technologies 5975C inert MSD with Triple-Axis detector, and Mettler Toledo Differential Calorimetry
Spearheaded emergency and safety protocols instituted company-wide.
Training for clean room procedures
Developed a training and troubleshooting manual for Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy analysis
Placed and tracked chemical orders
Assisted in lab management
Florida State University
Undergraduate Researcher
Dr. William Cooper Lab
Tallahassee, FL
January 2011-June 2011
Research focused on the characterization of dissolved organic matter in northern peat land soil through Florescence and UV/Vis spectroscopy
Teaching Experience
College Chemistry II (CHEM 1330)
Spring 2016
Quantitative Analysis (CHEM 3200)
Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015 and Fall 2015
College Chemistry I (CHEM 1320)
Fall 2012 and Fall 2013
Atoms and Molecules (CHEM 1100)
Spring 2013
Conference Participation
Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum 2016 - Judge
National Association of Graduate-Professional Students South Central and Midwest Conference - Oral
National Alliance for Broader Impacts 2016 Summit - Attendant
GPC Research and Creative Activities Forum 2016 - Oral
AAAS Annual Meeting 2016 - Poster
Mizzou 3MT 2015 - Oral
GPC Research and Creative Activities Forum 2015 - Session Chair and Oral
Mizzou Life Sciences Week 2015 - Poster
ComSciCon 2015 - Poster
SciWri15 2015 - Attendant and Reporter
#RSCAnalyticalPoster 2015 - Poster
Mizzou Life Sciences Week 2014 - Poster
American Chemical Society National Meeting 2014 - Oral and Poster
American Chemical Society Midwest Regional Meeting 2014 - Session Organizer, Session Chair, Oral and Poster
SciX 2013 - Poster
American Physical Society Regional Prairie Section 2013 - Poster
Mizzou Life Sciences Week 2015 - Poster
Honors, Awards, Recognition
2016 Inductee of the Rollins Society
2016 University of Missouri Chemistry Department Travel Grant
2016 Mizzou Advantage Travel Grant
2014 Graduate Student Association Travel Grant
2014 Graduate Professional Council Travel Grant
2013 FACSS Student Poster Award Recipient at SciX
Professional Societies
American Chemical Society
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Physics Society
Society for Applied Spectroscopy
Society of Women Engineers
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Contributions and Synergistic Activities
Broader Impacts Network Advisory Board
Chemistry Graduate Student Organization
ComSciCon 2015
Entering Mentoring
How to be a Super Communicator by NSF EPSCoR
Improvisation for Science Communication by Dr. Suzanne Burgoyne
3-Minute Presentation Clinic with Dr. Darcy Gentleman